11 December 2007

Signs of Aging

I think I'm getting old. I remember the good ol' days, not even two years ago when I could handle finals week like a champ. I studied hard, had no fun, and kicked finals butt. I remember one year in particular where I got about 6 hours of sleep from Sunday to Tuesday. (Cake for some people; really, really hard for me.)

And now, my body just can't do it anymore. I have had at least five hours of sleep a night, since the week began, and I am struggling big time. For instance, at this moment, my eyelids actually feel sore from being forced to stay open. And the really sad thing is that I actually had time to take a 3 hour nap today. I've become such a wimp. What happened to handling all nighters? What happened to OD-ing on caffeine and 9:00 PM coffee runs so that everything would get done?

All I know, besides the fact that this entry is completely incoherent, is that, at 23 years-old, I am showing signs of aging. And that can't be good.

(At least I only have 1 final project left before the end of a very demanding semester. Woohoo.)


Mel said...

I'm trying! I'll just think of you and Linds visiting, that should give me the motivation to finish it out.

MommaMcCarthy said...

Good luck Mel! You can do it!

I think it's so cute that we'll both be working on final projects at the same time... it's like looking at the same moon from different states!

Lindsay said...

Yeah, I've been thinking about that a lot lately too...a few times in the past few weeks i've been so tired at work that i literally thought I would be physically ill and like throw up or something. And even when I go to bed on time, I feel way more tired than I used to. Like my eyes get all puffy by bedtime, before its like I had to remember to go to bed because I wouldn't notice being tired. Sad.

Anonymous said...

oh, i'm totally the same way. freshman year, i had all-nighters any day of the week in dorms, just talking and hanging out with people, let alone to make paper deadlines. now, if i get less than 7 i'm a mess!

same goes for eating. i know for sure i used to be able to down a whopper w/o any problems in my youth, and now, well, there are problems!!