02 January 2009


I'm really dreading returning to work on Monday. I've become quite accustomed to living life without my alarm clock and will probably feel devastated when it goes off Monday morning. Sure, I've been bored a great deal since my Christmas break began. But I sure will miss the little things, like non-sack lunches, staying up past midnight, and checking my facebook account 43 times a day.

On the other hand, not working has led me to spend massive quantities of money that I shouldn't be spending if I want to move out and go on my two-week long vacation this summer. I'm also pretty..."out of it" a lot of the time. Too little mental stimulation makes me weird.

I also decided just this morning that I am going to go on a 90% meat free diet, except for fish products. Yes, I said "products." I think I was semi-inspired by my friends' sugar-free New Year's resolution. I don't really have a sugar problem. But I've considered vegetarianism for years now. And I kind of want to see what life is like mostly meat free. Now, I haven't quite figured out what 90% means yet. It could mean that for every 10 calories I consume, only 1 of those calories can come from meat foods. It might also mean that out of 10 meals, only one can have meat. Hm. Maybe I'll just say that once a week I can indulge in a burger or steak. Otherwise, it's meatless for me.

Finally, I have discovered a great scam that is going on in the spa industry. Well, I didn't really discover it. But I had forgotten about it until this morning. My parents gave me a spa gift certificate for Christmas, and today I happily used it. However, I think it is very cunning of spa personnel to make you all relaxed and feeling good about life and then ask you to buy their far-too-expensive products. Can anybody really say "no" when their brain is set to zen mode?


Lindsay said...

I don't think you should give up meat.

Sam said...

Good luck with the no meat thing. Are you going 90% vegan or 90% vegetarian?

Let's hang out this weekend. Busy tomorrow?

Mel said...

Please let's not panic. I'm not giving it up and I'm not becoming a vegetarian. USDA guidelines suggest eating meat and poultry sparingly but fish, beans, and nuts more often. I'm just trying to move more toward suggested dietary guidelines.

And yes, I'm available tomorrow. We need to live it up before our return to work.

Hecho en Pacific Northwest said...

i agree. keep eating meat.