04 April 2009

I think I'm failing...

A couple of weeks ago I found a notebook containing my list of New Year's resolutions for this year. I couldn't remember any of my resolutions, so I decided to glance over it to review how I was doing.

Resolution #2: Read 2 books a month.
How it's going? Not so well. I had been reading the same book since November. Last week I officially gave up and began a new one. I'm 3 chapters in. Wish me luck.

Resolution #3: Exercise at least 4 times per week.
How it's going? It's not. Post-work-laziness and tendinitis of the shoulder have left me unmotivated. But now that the weather is warming up (haha, not really), I've decided I'll start running after work.

Resolution #4: Write in my journal.
How it's going? I think I've maybe put in 2 entries since the New Year. Maybe it's time for me to decide that my journaling days have passed. Aren't those things for junior high-ers anyway?

Resolution #6: Cook one new thing every month.
How it's going? Really, really good. Thank goodness for monthly themed dinners with good friends. I've recently discovered that I can make a really tasty queso dip and killer veggie lasagna.

Resolution #7: Drink 8 glasses of water a day.
How it's going? Does coffee satisfy this requirement? I like water. I really do. I just forget about it.

I'm really not comfortable with failure, so I guess I'm off to get a glass of water before departing on my 5 mile bicycle ride to the park where I will sit on a bench reading my new library book.

(P.S. I know how to count, but I found a couple of resolutions too personal or redundant to write about, so I left them out.)


Hecho en Pacific Northwest said...

No one even comments on this thing anymore. Lets not forget that you're failing on your blog, too.

Mel said...

Wow. You are being so nice this week.

Hecho en Pacific Northwest said...

haha. Would it make you feel any better to know that I'm a failure too?

Mel said...

Yes it would. My misery loves company.